Application Acceptance (New/Renewal) for A.Y. 24-25 has been commenced from 25’th July 2024. Last date for Application Acceptance (New/Renewal) for A.Y. 24-25 is 31'st Mar 2025. Application Re-apply has been extended for A.Y. 23-24 till 31'st Mar 2025.



  • Application Acceptance (New/Renewal) for A.Y. 24-25 has been commenced from 25’th July 2024. Last date for Application Acceptance (New/Renewal) for A.Y. 24-25 is 31'st Mar 2025.
  • Application Re-apply has been extended for A.Y. 23-24 till 31'st Mar 2025.
  • Guidelines and Rules of procedure for application submission. Please read carefully.

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All * marks fields are mandatory

Note: Username should contain only alphabets and numbers. Username should be greater than 4 characters and less than 15 characters.
Note: Password Length should be minimum 8 characters and maximum 20 characters. Password must contain atleast 1 UpperCase Alphabet, 1 LowerCase Alphabet, 1 Number and 1 Special Character.
Note: Email ID if entered then Email ID verification is mandatory.

Note: Mobile Number verification is mandatory.
