Application Acceptance (New/Renewal) for A.Y. 24-25 has been commenced from 25’th July 2024. Last date for Application Acceptance (New/Renewal) for A.Y. 24-25 is 31'st Mar 2025. Application Re-apply has been extended for A.Y. 23-24 till 31'st Mar 2025.



  • Application Acceptance (New/Renewal) for A.Y. 24-25 has been commenced from 25’th July 2024. Last date for Application Acceptance (New/Renewal) for A.Y. 24-25 is 31'st Mar 2025.
  • Application Re-apply has been extended for A.Y. 23-24 till 31'st Mar 2025.
  • Guidelines and Rules of procedure for application submission. Please read carefully.

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Tuition Fees and Examination Fees to SBC Students

About Scheme

Department Name

VJNT,OBC and SBC Welfare Department


    1) Create interest in education among students.
    2) Making financial assistance available for higher education.
    3) Creating opportunities for financial growth through higher education.
    4) Scholarship scheme to avoid transparency, unity and delay.
    5) All types of compulsory fees such as Tuition fees, Exam Fees and other admissible fees are reimbursed to the concern SBC category student.


    1) Tuition fees and Exam fees reimbursed to the concern Applicant vide Govt. Resolution dated 12/3/2007, since 2006-07 the Applicants who are admitted in professional courses through CAP round in the Govt., Govt. approved private, non-aided and permanently non granted colleges are applicable to pay 100 % Tuition Fees & Exam Fees approved by Education Fee Committee.
    2) Also those applicants are taken admission in Deemed University for professional courses won’t get benefit of scholarship / freeship.
    3) Start date of application is depending upon the applicant takes admission in college/Institute and End date of application is depend upon the last date of examination. (For 10 months - it will vary every academic year on admission date)


    1) Applicant must be taking post matric education.
    2) Applicant should be belongs to SBC Category.
    3) Applicants must be residents of Maharashtra.
    4) Applicants must be pursuing the education course approved by the government for Post Matric courses.
    5) Applicant should be taken admission in government government aided / Private Non-Aided / private permanently non aided courses.
    6) Degree Courses in Health Science(Medical, Dental, Homeopathy, Unani, Ayurveda, Physiotherapy, Business Aid, Nursing) :
    If Applicant is admitted through Association of Managements of Unaided Private Medical and Dental Colleges entrance examination or admitted through government common entrance examination then he/she will be eligible the for the freeship.
    7) Higher and Technical Education Department :
    Freeship will be applicable to unaided colleges / government and aided colleges with technical education / Polytechnic and government unaided professional courses.
    Following are the applicable courses for this scheme :
    a) Diploma – Engineering, Pharmacology, HMCT
    b) Degree – Engineering, Pharmacology, HMCT
    c) Post Graduate –MBA/MMS, MCA
    8) Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Dairy Development and Fisheries Department :
    The scholarship fees will be applicable to the Applicants who have been admitted through government quota in private un aided/permanently un aided institute.
    a) Agricultural colleges (diploma)
    b) Dairy Business Department (Diploma)
    c) Colleges for Agricultural and Allied subjects (Degree and Post Graduate)
    d) Agriculture and Bio-Technology Colleges (Degree and Post Graduate)
    e) Agriculture and Food Technology Colleges (Graduate and Post Graduate)
    9) For B.Ed and D.Ed courses : 100 % benefit (Tuition Fees, Exam Fees) is applicable for D.Ed, B.Ed courses. For students studying in Aided, UnAided for D.Ed, B.Ed courses then Fee structure is applicable as per Government rates for same course.
    10) For professional courses Applicant should admitted through CAP round is must.
    11) If Applicant fails in particular year then he will get the Tuition Fees and Exam Fees of that particular academic year but he/she will not get the benefit until he/she gets promoted to next higher class.
    12) Applicant will be eligible for scholarship if he / she changes the course Non – Professional to Professional but he will not be eligible if he / she changes the course from Professional to Non – Professional.
    13) If an applicant pursuing professional course admitted for year 2015-16 onwards fails in the examination two or more times in particular academic course duration then he / she not eligible for the freeship.
    14) Scholarships/freeship will continue until Applicant completes one course. Ex. - 11th, 12th Arts - B.A., M.A. , M.Phil., P.H.D. If, Applicant completed B.A and B.Ed. course and later after taking admission for M.A., for M.A. course He/she will not be allowed for scholarship/freeship. But after admission to M.B.A. after B.Ed, it can be eligible for scholarship/freeship as it is a professional postgraduate course.

Renewal Policy

    1) Applicant need to provide previous years marksheet.
    2) At a time Applicant can apply freeship for only one educational course and it will be applicable till he/she completes that educational course in specified time.
    3) Applicant need to pass each year of the specified educational year[In case of failure in a particular year he/she wont be provided reimbursement of tuition fees, Exam fees for that year]. In any academic course maximum of 2 failures is allowed.
    4) Applicant cannot take freeship for more than 2 professional courses.
    5) If due to any medical condition or due to any unforeseeable event the Applicant cannot appear in the annual examination, the head master of the college can approve or certify that if the Applicant would have appeared in the annual examination, he would have been able to pass the examination. This will be only allowed if the head of the institution is satisfied by the submission of medical proof or any other required sufficient proof that the Applicant presents to the college.

Documents Required

    1. Caste certificate- should be issued by competent authority
    2. Income certificate / Non Creamy layer Certificate
    3. HSC or SSC marksheet or last examination marksheet.
    4. Gap certificate - Not mandatory but in case of gap it is mandatory.
    5. Declaration certificate of parents/guardians about number of children beneficiaries.
    6. If applicable father death certificate.
    7. CAP Allotment Letter (For Professional Courses)
    8. Caste Validity Certificate (For Professional Courses As Per GR Dated 31st July 2008) Exempted Professional courses to be identified
    9. Leaving Certificate
    10. Ration card for identify number of children’s in family

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