Application Acceptance (New/Renewal) for A.Y. 24-25 has been commenced from 25’th July 2024. Last date for Application Acceptance (New/Renewal) for A.Y. 24-25 is 31'st Mar 2025. Application Re-apply has been extended for A.Y. 23-24 till 31'st Mar 2025.



  • Application Acceptance (New/Renewal) for A.Y. 24-25 has been commenced from 25’th July 2024. Last date for Application Acceptance (New/Renewal) for A.Y. 24-25 is 31'st Mar 2025.
  • Application Re-apply has been extended for A.Y. 23-24 till 31'st Mar 2025.
  • Guidelines and Rules of procedure for application submission. Please read carefully.

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Post Matric Scholarship to SBC Students.

About Scheme

Department Name

VJNT,OBC and SBC Welfare Department


    • Providing financial assistance for education.
    • Creating a passion for higher education.
    • Providing students the opportunity to go to the mainstream of education through education.
    • Scholarship scheme to avoid transparency, co-ordination and delay.
    • Benefits of Tuition Fees, Exam Fees and Maintenance Allowance are paid to only SBC category students.


    Eligible SBC Applicants are paid maintenance allowance :
    1) If Applicant select Course Group A - for hostlers Rs.425/p.m. & Day Scholars(Non Hostlers) Rs.190/p.m. (Duration - Admission date to till exam completion date)
    2) If Applicant select Course Group B - for hostlers Rs.290/p.m. & Day Scholars(Non Hostlers) Rs.190/p.m.(Duration - Admission date to till exam completion date)
    3) If Applicant select Course Group C - for hostlers Rs.290/p.m. & Day Scholars(Non Hostlers) Rs.190/p.m.(Duration - Admission date to till exam completion date)
    4) If Applicant select Course Group D - for hostlers Rs.230/p.m. & Day Scholars(Non Hostlers) Rs.120/p.m. (Duration - Admission date to till exam completion date)
    5) If Applicant select Course Group E - for hostlers Rs.150/p.m. & Day Scholars(Non Hostlers) Rs.90/p.m.(Duration - Admission date to till exam completion date)
    6) Tuition Fee, Exam Fee and Maintenance allowance are paid 100% to applicants who’s studying in government/aided/unaided institutions in professional courses and non-professional courses.
    7) If Applicant get admission in government hostel then he will eligible only 1/3rd amount of hostlers.
    8) For B.Ed and D.Ed courses : 100 % benefit (Tuition Fees, Exam Fees and Maintenance Allowance) is applicable for D.Ed, B.Ed courses. For students studying in Aided, UnAided for D.Ed, B.Ed courses then Fee structure is applicable as per Government rates for same course
    Note : If applicant takes an admission on or before 20th of any month should entitle date maintenance allowance will be issued for that current month. Other wise maintenance allowance will be entitle from next month.


    1) The parents/Guardians annual Income should be less than or equal to Rs.1.50 Lac.
    2) Applicants must be belongs to SBC category.
    3) Applicants should be residents of Maharashtra.
    4) Applicants must be pursuing the education course approved by the government from class Post-Matric.
    5) If Applicant fails in particular year then he will get the Tuition Fees, Exam Fees and Maintenance allowance of that particular academic year but he/she will not get the benefit until he/she gets promoted to next higher class.
    6) Applicant should be come through CAP round for only professional courses.
    7) Only two children (i)any number of girls applicants allowed. ii) boys applicants maximum 2 of the same parent will be eligible for the Scholarship.
    8) No scholarship will be paid to the Applicants under this scheme from the date he /she accepts another Scholarship / stipend.
    9) 75 % attendance is mandatory for current year.
    10) Applicant will be eligible for scholarship if he / she changes the course Non – Professional to Professional but he will not be eligible if he / she changes the course from Professional to Non – Professional.
    11) Scholarships/freeship will continue until Applicant completes one course. Ex. - 11th, 12th Arts - B.A., M.A. , M.Phil., P.H.D. If, Applicant completed B.A and B.Ed. course and later after taking admission for M.A., for M.A. course He/she will not be allowed for scholarship/freeship. But after admission to M.B.A. after B.Ed, it can be eligible for scholarship/freeship as it is a professional postgraduate course.
    12) Applicant studying in particular professional/Non-Professional course, and availing benefits of scholarship/freeship for that academic course and if he/she wants to change his existing Professional/Non-Professional course in between academic years he/she will not be eligible for freeship/scholarship for further course.

Renewal Policy

    1) The Applicant have to pass the previous year examination.
    2) In case of SBC if Applicant fails for a year then the Applicant is not paid any reimbursement for that particular year.
    3) For Group A – If an applicant pursuing Group A course fails in the examination for the 1st time the award may be renewed. For second & sub sequent failure in any class the Applicant shall bear his / her own expenses until he / she secure promotion to the next higher class.
    4) For Group B,C,D,E - he/she has to secure promotion to higher class(For second & sub sequent failure in any class the Applicant shall bear his / her own expenses until he / she secure promotion to the next higher class.).
    5) If due to any medical condition or due to any unforeseeable event the Applicant cannot appear in the annual examination, the head master of the college can approve or certify that if the Applicant would have appeared in the annual examination, he would have been able to pass the examination. This will be only allowed if the head of the institution is satisfied by the submission of medical proof or any other required sufficient proof that the Applicant presents to the college.

Documents Required

    1. Caste certificate - should be issued by competent authority(Issued by Govt. of Maharashtra) This certificate considered as Proof of Resident.
    2. Income certificate / Income Declaration - should be issued by competent authority
    3. Caste Validity Certificate – (Mandatory for Professional Degree courses, Professional Post Graduate. For Non Professional courses caste validity is not mandatory)
    4. HSC or SSC marksheet or last examination marksheet.
    5. Gap certificate - Not mandatory but in case of gap it is mandatory.
    6. If applicable father/Guardians death certificate.
    7. Ration Card for identify number of children in family.
    8. Leaving Certificate
    9. Declaration certificate of parents/guardians about number of children beneficiaries.

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