डॉ. श्यामाप्रसाद मुखर्जी जन वन विकास योजना


विभागाचे नाव

कृषी विभाग


    Dr. Shyamprasad Mukherjee Jan-Van Vikas Yojana was launched to increase the productivity of village natural resources through sustainable development, reducing villagers dependence on forests, creating complementary businesses to agriculture, providing alternative employment and protection of forest and wildlife through the participation of villagers as well as raising the standard of forest management and through this, to reduce human-wildlife conflict, 2 km of the boundary of the buffer and wildlife protected area in the tiger reserve. Crop damage is the biggest issue for the farmers and the State has taken an initiative to compensate for the same. Thus, the solar fence will be built with the aim of protecting farms from cattle grazing and protect the crops from getting damaged. In the past few years, individual solar energy fences were provided on a pilot basis to village farmers in the buffer zone of Navegaon-Nagzira and Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserves. The experiment shows that the cost of solar energy fencing is less than that of wire mesh fences, and there is less chance of harming. This scheme is a part of Dr Shyamprasad Mukherjee Jan Van Yojana under which an individual beneficiary will have to bear 25% (Rs 5,000) cost and above of the solar fencing, and 75% (Rs 15,000) whichever is less shall be borne by the forest department. The objective of this scheme is to achieve sustainable development of these villages and reduce the man-animal conflict. The scheme will reduce the dependence of villagers on the forest. It will also boost the supplementary businesses to farming activities and create alternative employment possibilities to the villagers in these areas.


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